The 12-inch balance bike will make riding as easy as walking.
It is essentially a toddler bike without pedals and is designed to introduce toddlers ages 2 to 3 to the world of cycling, allowing them to develop the balance necessary to ride a bicycle. This premium toddler’s bike has a lightweight, sturdy aluminium frame, weighing just 4.17kg, making the bike easy to manoeuvre and easy for parents to carry.
The Tadpole balance bike is a great alternative to training wheels. It comes fully equipped with high-spec age-specific components, designed for comfort and longevity. The toddler-sized saddle with quick-release seat post allows for easy height adjustment as they grow and become more confident, and the Tektro brakes with small, easy-to-reach brake levers, mean better control for mini riders.
It also comes with chunky tyres for maximum stability and grip, and for added security, the bike offers the added benefit of a steering lock, which acts as a safety mechanism to prevent oversteering and serious falls.
- Lightweight 12-inch toddler bike that’s easy to manoeuvre & light for parents to carry.
- Small, easy-to-reach brake levers for tiny hands to brake with confidence.
- Safety steering lock to prevent oversteering.
- Free 10-year extended warranty on frames and forks.
- Top-mounted brake arms to avoid feet catching.
- Bell included.
- Suitable for 2 to 3 years with a recommended inside leg of 31cm-41cm.